Análisis de citación de la revista Ciência da Informação del Ibict


Ciência da Informação




The research studies the analysis of used citations by authors who publish inside the Ciência da Informação journal, where were rescued 278 scientific papers between the period 1995 to 2003. Related to the method, an Excel file was used with the aim of quantify the data, and where we divide by genre the bibliographic cites. Quantitative methods of investigation have been applied to analyze the cites of the used journals, working with the impact factors of ISI journals and some of SciELO. Another aspect of the present study was to analyze the books citations, thesis, electronic acts of congresses, electronic documents and communications, which are a fundamental source to make a scientific work. Lately, the relations and de institutional collaboration of authors who publish inside the Ciência da Informação journal were investigated, using Pajek program. Finally we observed the relation between the used keywords by the authors which published in the journal, with the indexed thematic in ISI, Scielo an Latindex. To conclude, we emphasized that the best period of cites used was between 1996 until 1998, with a strong presence of ISI journals and the own Ciencia da informaçao journal.

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