Analise socio-tecnica de processos de produção de tecnologias intensivas em conhecimento em paises subdesenvolvidos : a trajetoria de uma empresa nuclear e espacial argentina (1970-2005) / Sociotechnical analysis of knowledge-intensive technologies production processes in underdeveloped countries: the case of an Argentinean nuclear and space company (1970-2005)




The thesis analyzes how has been possible the development of knowledge-intensive technologies comercially suscessful, in countries where there is a weak relationship between research and production and where the usual is the manufacture of goods with small joined value. The study is focused in concrete processes of criation and incorporation of knowledge to production, from a sociotechnical approach that integrates the social, economical, political and ideological dimensions considered in an isolated way and as ?external factors? to the production of technology in the existent literature. The research seeks to understand the strategies developed by the different actors (engineers, researchers, technicians, entrepreneurs, customers, suppliers, employees etc.) participants of the processes of construction of knowledge-intensive technologies. For that, it is studied the sociotechnical trajectory of an Argentinean company of national capital, technology exporter in the space and nuclear sectors, with a permanence in the market of more than one decade and that bases its competitive advantage on the intensive use of knowledge. Theoretical categories of the sociology of technology and the economy of innovation are used, based on a conceptual triangulation and on a critical analysis for the understanding of the Latin-American reality. The methodology of the work is qualitative and historical. It uses secondary sources besides the accomplishment of field work with interviews in the company. The thesis intends to understand the learning processes, production and use of knowledge in underdeveloped countries and contribute to the enrichment of the theoretical tools of Science and Technology Studies (STS) for the analysis of the processes of technological change and innovation in Latin America. At the same time, the results of the research are an interesting input for the drawing and planning of Science, Technology and Innovation national policies


tecnologia - aspectos sociais social aspects technology knowledge management inovações tecnologicas astronautical research technological innovations tecnologia nuclear nuclear technology pesquisa espacial gestão do conhecimento

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