Análise semiolingüística de O último voo do flamingo: construção paratópica de uma nação em estado de ficção




According to Maingueneau (2001, 2006), to the writer, no place is reserved. So to create his place, a writer, moved by a feeling of not belonging that is inherent to his conditionhis paratopia, utters his text seeking to legitimate the place (communicational situation) from where it is uttered. Such paratopia is the creational source that is revealed on the literary piececomprehended here as an utterance within a literary discourse. At this monograph, we try to show how paratopia reveals itself through all of the three levels of language act in the light of the Semiolinguistic Theory by Patrick Charaudeau. Specifically, we seek to reveal how negation operations shape paratopic construction on the novel The last flight of the Flamingo by Mozambican writer Mia Couto. Paratopias manifestation occurs in different ways at each of the three levels: it is part of speech project, at situational level; it shows itself through components of discourse organization modes, at discourse level and, finally, it shows linguistically at semiolinguistic level


linguistica aplicada semiótica semiolingüística discurso literário paratopia literatura africana lusófona análise de texto couto, mia

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