Analise secundaria de estudos experimentais em engenharia de software / Secundary analysis of experimental software engineering




While it is clear that there are many sources of variation from one software development context to another, it is not clear a priori, what specific variables will influence the effectiveness of a process, technique, or method in a given context. For this reason, we argue that knowledge about software engineering must be built from many studies, in which related studies are run within similar contexts as well as very different ones. Previous works have discussed how to design related studies so as to document as precisely as possible the values of context variables and be able to compare with those observed in new studies. While such a planned approach is important, we argue that an opportunistic approach is also practical. This approach would combine results from multiple individual studies after the fact, enabling the expansion of empirical software engineering knowledge from large evidence bases. In this dissertation, we describe a process to build empirical knowledge about software engineering. It uses an approach based on encoding the information extracted from papers and experimental data into a structured base. This base can then be mined to extract new knowledge from it in a simple and flexible way


engenharia de software data mining mineração de dados (computação) systematic reviews vote counting experimental software engineering

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