Analise radiografica e histologica da evolução de lesões periapicais em cães normais e imunossuprimidos




The influence of the immunosuppresion on the development of periapical lesions is not well elucidated. In this study, the root canais of either normal or immunosupressed dogs were exposed to the oral environment afier pulpectomy with or without enlargement of the apical foramen in order to induce the development of periapical lesions. Histologjc and radiographic analyses showed that there is no significant association between the development of the lesions and the presence or not of immunosuppression. However. there is a linear increase in the size and intensity of the inflammatory process on the I I 30th. 60th and 90th da~s in both groups. especiall~ afier the enlargement of the apical foramen


cão como animal de laboratorio doenças periapicais endodontia imunossupressão

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