Analise radiografica da posição habitual da lingua




The need of knowledge upon the evaluation on the tongue habitual position (THP [PHLD arises, among other factors , from the importance the role tongue plays at the development of dental arcades. The tongue is considered one of the decisive factors for occlusion. The craniofacial growing is likewise influenced, out of other factors, by the breathing pattem. The comprehension of its mechanisms is quite substantial at the understanding of therapeutic processes in phonoaudiology, odontology (dentistry) and otorhinolaryngology. An objective evaluation of the THP is quite hard to be performed. There is no objective method of easy clinica! application, tailored to evaluate it only. The objective of this work is to study the tongue habitual position ...Note: The complete abstract is available with the full electronic digital thesis or dissertations


boca - radiografia oclusão (odontologia) postura humana boca - adaptação

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