Analise numerica do escoamento convectivo entre placas verticais




The numerical modeling of the laminar convective flow between vertical plates was carried out in order to obtain the solution of the elliptical equations describing the problem. Experimental results obtained in the literature were used to verif the accuracy of the method. Eventually, study cases were considered for situations of interest in cooling of eletronic equipments. Mixed convenction generated by isolated thermal sources located in one of the adiabatic walls of a vertical channel was studied and recommentadions adressed considering the relative position of the sources. Natural convection generated by heated vertical plates, with uniform wall temperature , was studied within an enclasure. It was not possible to model the induced mass flow and the free convection mass flow was assumed as an upper limit. The features of the model developed recommended further investigation of this algorithm including consideration of non uniform grids.


fluidos escoamento engenharia mecanica

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