Analise numerica de vigas de concreto de alta resistencia considerando a não-linearidade fisica




Test results for high-strength concrete beams are compared with numerical values obtained with the computer code ROOF. Some routines of this finite element code were adapted to represent the behavior of such material. Constitutive relationships proposed by several investigators of the high-strength concrete properties were analized and employed in this work. The finite element method was used taking into account the nonlinear material behavior of the concrete. The solution of the nonlinear problem was performed using the Newton-Raphson technique. For each load increment information concemed with displacements, stresses and strains in concrete and steel points are available as well as the distribution of the cracking along the beam length. ...Note: The complete abstract is available with the full electronic digital thesis or dissertations


engenharia de estruturas vigas de concreto concreto - analise analise numerica metodo dos elementos finitos

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