Análise morfológica das espermátides e dos espermatozóides de Chrysomya megacephala (Fabricius) (Diptera: Calliphoridae) nos tratos reprodutores




Diptera constitutes one of the four largest orders of insects. The Oriental latrine-fly Chrysomya megacephala (Fabricius) belongs to the family Calliphoridae and is associated with medic, veterinary, sanitary and forensic issues. The aim of this research was to characterize the utrastructural aspects of the spermiogenesis and spermatozoa of the C. megacephala, including the anatomy of testis and female sperm storage organs the spermatheca. This data is particularly important in taxonomic and phylogenetic analysis, since in these cells their structure is highly conserved. In this species as with insects in general, the spermiogenesis is characterized by the following events: acrosome formation, nuclear elongation with chromatin condensation, flagellar formation and sheading of excess cytoplasm. At the end of spermiogenesis process, the spermatozoon in C. megacephala is a long and thin cell measuring 590 μm in length. The spermatozoon comprises acrosome, nucleus with compact dense chromatin, centriole, centriolar adjunct, two mitochondrial derivatives with paracrystalline material and axoneme with: two central microtubules, nine peripheral doublets, nine accessory microtubules and dense fibers. The internal reproductive system of the male and female has morphological modifications that may be constant in all Cyclorraphous. The testis of the C. megacephala consists of a unique follicle and the wall of the organ is formed by a layer of pigmented cells and a layer of muscular tissue. The spermatheca consists externally of a secretory cell layer, and internally of a cuticle layer witch surrounds the cavity of the organ.


espermiogênese análise estrutural e ultra-estrutural morfologia chrysomya megacephala espermatozóide de inseto calliploridae

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