Análise in silico em ests de cana-de-açúcar (Saccharum officinarum) relacionados à resistência ao estresse hídrico




The expressed sequenced tags (ESTs) generated by Sugarcane ESTs Project (FAPESP) provided a useful databank for the investigation of DNA sequences related to many different sugarcane agroindustrial features. When compared to DNA sequences from several plant species available at The National Center for Biotechnology Information Databank it was possible to perform a survey on various proteins produced by this plant including those related to water stress resistance. SUCEST generated approximately 43,150 clusters from where 52 best hits were obtained in this survey for putative proteins related to water stress resistance on 2,998 analyzed clusters. In silico protein identification was achieved following a modified protocol developed by SUCEST which used specific bioinformatics tools available at NCBi such as BLAST and FASTA.


sugarcane ana-de-açúcar water stress ests estresse hídrico ests agronomia

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