Análise genômica macro comparativa entre Leifsonia xyli subsp. cynodontis e Leifsonia xyli subsp. xyli. / Comparative genomic analysis between Leifsonia xyli subsp. cynodontis and Leifsonia xyli subsp. xyli.




This study aimed to understand genome organization and gene content of two closely related plant pathogens that infect different hosts: Leifsonia xyli subsp. xyli (Lxx), a sugarcane pathogen; and Leifonia xyli subsp. cynodontis (Lxc), a Cynodon grass pathogen. We describe the results of a partial genome sequence of Lxc, assessing the similarity to Lxx completely sequenced genome, describing differences in genome organization and uncovering genes specific to Lxc genome. To accomplish the objective, genomic libraries were constructed. The strategy uncovered specific sequences, some probably acquired by horizontal transfer and non-syntenic regions of Lxc genome compared to Lxx. Specific regions of Lxc genome accounted for 311,353 bp and were annotated. Because mobile genetic elements are often associated with rearrangements and horizontal gene transfer, a detailed study of all insertion sequence (IS) elements presented in both genomes were realized. The analysis revealed a variable number of transposable elements acting upon genomic diversity.


dna genomas dna plant pathogen bactérias fitopatogênicas transposon transposon genome

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