Análise fenotípica e funcional de células dendríticas e monócitos, em pacientes com tuberculose pulmonar infectados por helmintos intestinais


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




The Tuberculosis (TB) remains a global threat to humanity, which no effective vaccine available until now. Epidemiological studies have shown that Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MTB) and helminths are co-endemic in many regions in the world, and that co-infections with these pathogens are frequent. The intestinal helminths infection may be a risk factor to the development of active pulmonary TB. Through phenotypic markings and dosage of cytokines and chemokines, we aimed to show that the worms are capable to deviate the Th-1 response TB protective to the Th-2 response, characteristic in intestinal helminthiasis. Blood culture for cytokines and chemokines dosage was done by the technique of marked microspheres for reading on flow cytometry, in conjunction with immunophenotyping of dendritic cells (DCs) and monocytes / macrophages through extra and intracellular markers by cytometry were used to study some aspects of innate immunity in TB patients, TB and intestinal helminths patients (TB + HELM), patients with helminths, and healthy controls. Were analyzed: a) The number and phenotype of DCs and monocytes/macrophages in peripheral blood, and b) The production of cytokines (IL-10, IL-12, TNF- , IL-6 and IL-1 ) and of some chemokines (CCL2, CCL5, CXCL8, CXCL9 and CXCL10) in the culture supernatant of whole blood after stimulation with MTB antigens. The analysis of circulating dendritic cells and macrophages, and evaluation of cytokines and chemokines in patients with TB + HELM, should us conclude that: a) The majority of DCs were immature cell phenotype. Among the cells with mature cell phenotype, there were cells mDC DC-SIGN + and CD40 + CD123 + pDC, phenotypes consistent with mature DCs to induce Th-2 response; b) Most of the activated macrophages was assessed and expressed DC-SIGN (phenotype compatible with M2 macrophages); c) The production of cytokines was significantly greater for IL-10, TNF-and IL-6, while IL-1had a tendency to increase. However, the levels of IL-12 remained similar to control group; d) significant reduction of the production of CCL-2, a trend to lower production of CXCL-8 and no significant increase of CXCL-10 were observed, whereas the chemokines CXCL CCL-5 and -9 were not detected. Although the number of cases does not permit a conclusive statement, the observations allow the possibility that infection with intestinal helminths in TB patients may be interfering with the Th-1 response to antigens of MTB


imunofenotipagem imunologia tuberculose helmintíase monócitos macrófagos citocinas quimiocinas células dendríticas doencas infecciosas e parasitarias

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