Analise fenotipica do musculo semitendinoso de ratos wistar e os efeitos do treinamento intervalado sobre suas fibras musculares




In general, the skeletal muscles are formed to several muscle fiber types that are able to express different kinds of myosin heavy chain (MHC) isoforms. The MHCI, IIa, IId and IIb will establish the pure muscle fibers of the type I, IIA, IID and IIB, respectively and, among them there are the hybrid fibers that can express two or more MHC types. In this work was verified through mATPase histochemical and eletophoretic separation techniques which myosin isoforms and hybrids make the semitendinous muscle of the Wistar rats and also how intermittent training influence in the plasticity of these fibers. It was seen that this muscle has two distinct portions, one red portion and one white portion and that was meeting all pure fibers, where the IIB type was seen in large number, characterized the semitendinous how muscle of fast twitch. There was also observed the presence of the IC, IIC, IIAD, IIDB hybrid fibers. The training promoted changes in the muscle fibers, in special in the hybrid fibers of the group II and promoted increase in the cross-sectional area of some glycolytic fibers (IIDB and IIB). In conclusion, the phenotype of the semitendinous muscle is formed in great part by fast-twitch fibers and the training was able to promote changes in the MHC isoforms present in these muscle fibers


musculos treinamento fisico rato fibras de animais - identificação

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