Análise experimental e numérica do escoamento multifásico gás-sólido em ciclones


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




Gas-solid are involved in various industrial processes, mainly by low power consumption for the transport of solid particles via drag a gas stream. In these cases the recovery of solid or purification of gases is promoted by cyclonic separation. Several studies on cyclones are presented in the literature from experimental studies by numerical simulation with the CFD tools, always seeking to improve operational performance in terms of loss and separation efficiency. In this sense the objective of this work is to combine experimental studies with the numerical simulation model to validate Eulerian-Eulerian Six-Phase, with the particulate material characterized by 5 distinct solid phases defined by particle diameter and mass fraction in the mixture, obtained from a granulometric distribution curve. Experimental studies of this work are performed in an experimental unit of pipelines and cyclones (EU-DC), composed mainly of an exhaust, filter sleeves for recovery of fines not collected with cyclone geometry combined Läpple / Stairmand, solids feeder with venturi distributor , and system control and data acquisition. m, commonly used in the production of metakaolin, the FCC catalysts, papermaking, ceramics, paints. The particulate material used is a clay mineral (kaolin) with specific mass of 2360 kg / m and the Sauter mean diameter of 9 among others. The operating conditions used in the experiments following a 32 factorial experimental organization, with the controlled variables speeds into the cyclone in the range of 8 m/s to 12 m/s, and the ratio of solids loading in the range 6 to 16 g/m3 and as responses to loss, the overall efficiency of the collection efficiency for particle diameter. The experimental results are compared with the numerical order to validate the Eulerian-Eulerian Six-Phase model devoted to numerical simulation of cyclones


ciclones escoamento multifásico fluidodinâmica computacional mecanica dos fluidos dinâmica dos fluídos; escoamento multifásico; gás - escoamento cyclones multiphase flow computational fluid dynamics

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