Análise ecológica e econômica da pesca marinha por meio de indicadores multiespecíficos / Ecological-economics analysis of marine fishery with multispecies indicators


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




Changes in marine ecosystems and fisheries resources due to the fishing pressure can be detected by multispecies indicators. These are, usually, applied to catch or landing time series, jointly the resources bio-ecological data. However, there is an alternative approach, based on market data that could be used. In this study, several multispecies indicators were applied to data from Southeastern/Southern Brazil, integrating ecological and economics aspects to this region in an unprecedented way. Fishery landings and market values for the period 1968-2007 were used, besides bio-ecological classification of seafood categories (trophic level, longevity, maximum length and depth). Trends of these parameters by landings and market quantities and prices were analysed. The Marine Trophic Index, Fishing-in-Balance and the Logarithm Relative Price Index were also applied. Moreover, an inferential analysis of individual categories statistical trends in market prices and quantities and their correlations were done. The joint ecological-economic analysis provided evidence of the scarcity of most higher trophic level, longevity and maximum length categories and fisheries target species, besides the \"pricing down the food web\" phenomenon. Therefore, the market database proved to be priceless to understand the fishery dynamic in an ecosystem perspective.


multispecies indicators; market price; ecosystem approach; time series; fishing down the food web; f abordagem ecossistêmica alternativas para sistemas pobres em dados. dinâmica da pesca fishing down the food web indicadores multiespecíficos parâmetros bio-ecológicos preço do pescado séries temporais

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