AnÃlise e resultados experimentais de sistemas de distribuiÃÃo quÃntica de chaves usando fÃtons isolados e estados coerentes mesoscÃpicos. / Theorical analysis and experimental results of quantum key distribution systems using single-photons and mesoscopic coherent states


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




In this dissertation it is realized a study about quantum key distribution (QKD) in optical networks. Initially, a review of the theory of quantum key distribution and some of its implementations with strongly attenuated coherent states, as well a review of an optical system for physical encryptation using mesoscopic coherent states are realized. Following, it is analyzed the use of an error correction scheme in the physical encryptation system, and two new schemes for quantum key distribution are proposed. The first is a possible implementation of a hybrid system, that is, using weak and mesoscopic coherent states, for QKD and quantum authentication of classical messages. The second is an implementation of a QKD system based on relative phase modulation of sidebands frequency, using two RF carriers and an amplitude modulator in Alice and a phase modulator in Bob. After, an experimental realization of a simple QKD setup using polarization states of strongly attenuated coherent states for B92 protocol is presented. At last, it is realized an experimental characterization of an optical receiver for optical communication applications.


teleinformatica distribuiÃÃo quÃntica de chaves comunicaÃÃes Ãticas criptografia de dados quantum key distributuion optical comunication data encryption

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