Análise e planejamento da floresta urbana enquanto elemento da infraestrutura verde: estudo aplicado à Bacia do Córrego Judas / Maria Joaquina, São Paulo / Analysis and planning of the urban forest as part of the green Infrastructure: study applied to the watershed of the Stream Judas / Maria Joaquina at São Paulo City, Brazil.


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




This dissertation develops a design proposal of the Green Infrastructure of the São Judas / Maria Joaquina\ s stream watershed, as a way to promote the increase of the tree cover, and of the public green spaces as well as the connectivity between areas that provide ecosystem services. A study of the Urban Forest - the main component of the Green Infrastructure at the watershed - has been conducted to achieve this goal. Two aspects of the forest have been analyzed: 1) the coverage, distribution and relation with its surroundings in the different sectors of the watershed; 2) street trees and their relation with space and functions of the road system. The analysis that has been made of the watersheds\ tree coverage, using a satellite image, shows that it attained 28,6%, which is a high value compared to the analysis of other areas. However, this coverage is different to the six sampled areas. The same happens to the built elements and open space construction, which points out the need for differentiated policies of the Urban Forest management in each sector. Public roads are critical elements to the development of the tree cover. In terms of quantity and quality the tree cover on public roads fells far short. Many places have narrow sidewalks, inadequate planning of equipment, that do not only restrict the pedestrians\ accessibility but also prevents the planting of trees. A new design of the right-of-way that includes shared roadways for planting and pedestrian traffic, as well as the relocation of elements and interferences, could improve accessibility and tree cover. In this dissertation we propose and put forth a Green Infrastructure plan which utilizes the guidelines and management proposals presented in the analysis of the urban forest and the road system and develops a network of multifunctional spaces that include green areas, corridors and structures for sustainable drainage. It organizes the various scales of analysis and actions upon the landscape around a general design which, in turn, is related to the rest of the urban matrix.


arborização environmental planning - são paulo (brazil) floresta urbana green infrastructure infraestrutura verde planejamento ambiental - são paulo (sp) tree planting urban forest

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