Análise dos resultados dos procedimentos invasivos para estudo do cariótipo fetal / Fetal maternal results following invasive procedures for fetal kariotype


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




Objective: The purpose of this study is to characterize the indications of pregnant women who seek the Fetal Medicine Service of Hospital das Clínicas of São Paulo University to perform invasive diagnostic procedures and evaluate the results of fetal karyotypes and their pregnancies from February 2005 to December 2009. Methods: Retrospective observational study of pregnant women who underwent CVS, amniocentesis or cordocentesis. Other diagnostic or therapeutic procedures were not included. The outcomes of pregnancies were obtained through consultation of medical records and/or telephone contact. Results: 113 CVS, 340 amniocentesis and 260 cordocentesis were performed. The main indication for performing invasive procedure was the presence of fetal anomaly (69.8%), followed by increased nuchal translucency (13.4%) and maternal age (10.2%). The trisomy of chromosome 18 was the most common aneuploidy (8.1%), followed by trisomy 21 (6.2%), 45,X0 (4.8%), and trisomy 13 (3.8%). There were 4.9 % of miscarriage, 25.7% of stillbirth and 13% of neonatal deaths. Eight women opted for legal termination of pregnancies. 99% of pregnant women whose fetus had no structural abnormalities and normal karyotype had a live child. CONCLUSION: The main indication for karyotyping was the presence of fetal malformation in 69.8% of pregnancies and chromosomal abnormalities was found in 26.23% of the fetuses.


aberrações cromossômias amniocentese amniocentesis amostras coriônicas chorionic villi sampling chromosome aberrations feto fetus

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