Analise dos impactos tecnico-economicos da utilização do piche de alcatrão de eucalipto como precursor de fibras de carbono ativadas




This work consists of a study of the attainrnent process of activated carbon fiber ITom wood tar pitch in order to increase value-added of by-products of the charcoal production and possibly to open new markets for those by-products. To achieve this objective, it was analyzed through historical series, the evolution of the charcoal production, its demand and offers, as well as the main consuming sectors, among them the industrial sector. Through this analysis, it was observed important participation of the charcoal-based steel industry in the national energy scene. In addition, the segment of the charcoal by-products industry was analyzed, studying the potential of the recovery of by-products ITom the technological wood carbonization process and the process of conversion and as a result the potential of the residues of this industry (wood tar pitch). From these analyses, it was developed a unit of bench test for the attainrnent of carbon fibers ITom the wood tar pitch. The wood tar pitch was treated by means of a previous preparation of extraction with solvent, before being carried through the spinning processo The process consisted of the spinning of the tar, followed by the stabilization and carbonization and the activation of the fiber. The analysis of the transformation of the wood tar pitch fiber in activated carbon fiber was carrÍed through based on yie1d and microstructural characteristics for Optic Polarized Light Microscopy (OPLM) of polarized light and Scanning Electronic Microscopy (SEM). The wood tar pitch based carbon fiber was analyzed and presented as standard characteristics the specific area surface and the burn-off As a result, it was obtained values that Indicate the potentiality of application of those fibers in areas where normally other types of materiaIs WÍth increase capacity of adsorption are used. Also, it was presented an estimate of the economic viability of the implantation of a commercial unit based on the available literature and the existing carbon fibers industry


carbono ativo piche carbonização

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