Analise do significado e da evolução do conceito de força de Ampere, juntamente com a tradução comentada de sua principal obra dobre eletrodinamica / Analysis of the meaning and evolution of Ampere s force concept, together with a commented translation of his main work on electrodynamics




We present Ampère?s force between current elements and discuss in detail the magnitudes which appear in this law. We analyze the trajectory followed by Ampère in order to obtain his force between current elements. We show his first experiments, the initial formulations of his force, the experiments of Biot and Savart, and the in uence of Faraday?s experiment of uninterrupted rotation in the determination of the final value of Ampère?s force between current elements. We present the several cases of equilibrium introduced by Ampère and their methodological relevance in order to obtain quantitative laws in physics. We show the contributions of Savary for the elaboration of the quantitative consequences of Ampère?s force and the impact they had upon Biot, Savart and Ampère. We discuss some of the main works, letters and manuscripts of Ampère, from 1820 until his masterpiece of 1826, the Théorie des Phénomènes Électro-dynamiques, Uniquement Déduite de l?Expérience. We present a complete translation of this work and of the notes which follow it


1775-1836 ampere eletrodinamica ampere science - history andre-marie força de ampere s force electrodynamics ciencia - historia

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