Análise do processo de trabalho das indústrias de confecções da região de Londrina-Pr




This study intends to show issues concerning working relations of the apparel industry in the region of Londrina in Paraná, which have been undergone to the logic of the production capitalist system by means of changes that occurred in the world of work and have a direct influence on the work organization way of this productive sector. It is observed that the productive restructuration has not resulted in modern technological advances for the sector, as occurs with other industrial sectors. However, it was observed in this research that the sector shows characteristics that are still elementary in the way of producing, thus it has invested more in organizational techniques that, on their turn, tend to disqualify and turn the work force precarious, than in technological increments that occur in a less continuous way. Nevertheless, this is related to the fact that the sector shows a strong dependence of workforce for the development of the production, for it is at first of low cost. The research still shows that the qualification for the work in the sector is fundamental. However, it is not decisive for carrying out the operations that are characteristic of the manufacturing process of an apparel industry. It is also emphasized the necessity of the sector in being flexible, not only in the productive and personnel organization within the companies, but also expanding its production outside the factory, a trend of the new productive parameters that have also been used in the apparel sector.


trabalho - processo produtivo roupas - confecção organizational sociology sociologia do trabalho

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