AnÃlise do processo de formaÃÃo de estratÃgias internacionais da fruticultura brasileira : o caso do Grupo Fruitfort




The present dissertation concerns the characteristics of the process of international strategies formation of Fruitfort Group from 1982 to 2006, in the light of the perspective of the Uppsala theories, the National Competitive Advantage Determinants and the Resource-Based View of the firm (RBV). The international strategies adopted by the company are described throughout the time lime and their convergence with the concepts proclaimed for the theoretical models is analyzed. Following PettigrewÂs (1987) orientation about the content, the context and the process dimensions of the changes, the theoretical base is constituted by questions related to the competitive strategy, the international process of strategy formation, the internationalization strategies and the three theoretical internationalization models. The research is characterized as qualitative case study which adopts an exploratory and analytical perspective and presents a time line retrospective. The Fruitfort Group is the unit of analysis and the sample is composed by 15 (fifteen) respondents from 4 (four) fruit-culture institutions for half-barren and 11 (eleven) executives of the company. Data is collected mainly through semistructured interviews, complemented by desk research and non-participant observation, according to the triangulation method. The analysis and results discuss the description and interpretation of the investigated phenomenon, under different perspectives. Firstly , it is presented the historical contextualization of the fruits exportation in Petrolina - PE and Juazeiro - BA and its influence in the Fruitfort Group activities. At this point, it was observed that the irrigation project promoted by CODEVASF was crucial for the beginning and continuity of the operations of the Group. On the sequency, throughout the analysis of the most important events, four different phases were identified during the trajectory of the company in the studied period. Indications of concomitant association among the internationalization models have been perceived, which means that none of them, separately, was able to explain how the process of international strategy formation was developed in the company. Such strategies have been guided by the deliberately emergent perspective and its moments of changes characterized for gradual and evolutionary features. It was evidenced that the most present dimensions amongst those proclaimed by the Uppsala theory have been: learning, personal networks and incrementalism. Considering the Diamond Model, the factors conditions, correlated industries and rivalry between the competitors were decisive for building successful strategy standards. Internal leadership and corporative culture can be considered as tremendous intangible competitive resources at FruitFort. As conclusion, it was observed, during the research, the presence of the main concepts of the three theoretical bases, however, with different levels of convergence


administracao rbv estratÃgia internacional international strategy rbv modelo diamante uppsala fruticultura diamond fruit-culture uppsala

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