AnÃlise do processo de desenvolvimento de recursos competitivos em empresas exportadoras de uva do Vale do SÃo Francisco




The present research has as objective analyzes the development process of competitive resources of companies that are considered more competitive, among the exporters of grape of the area of SubmÃdio of the San Francisco. For the construction of the theoretical referential, it was taken as base the perspective of Resource-Based View of the Firm (RBV), that tries to explain the superior performance of the organizations and the strategies that allowed reaching it by the analysis of the resources of an organization, being them resources tangible or intangible. The internationalization process was analyzed with base in the models of Uppsala (JOHANSON; WIEDERSHEIM-PAUL, 1975; JOHANSON; VAHLNE, 1977) and based on resources (SHARMA; ERRAMILLI, 2004) what explains the internationalization of companies as an evolutionary process, where the entrance in the international market passes for periods of training to the extent that the company accumulates experiences and knowledge regarding the international market. As methodological procedure, an exploratory and descriptive research was accomplished, based in the qualitative perspective. The methodological focus was based in the method of the case study. The research passed for three phases, for the selection of the sample. Initially, it selected a group of companies it will be studied, on the basis of the volume between US$ 1 and 10 millions of dollars exported, information disposed by the Department of the Development, Industry and Commerce. Right away it was applied questionnaires composed by closed questions in the main exporting companies of grape of the area of SubmÃdio of the San Francisco, with the intention of obtaining that to be seen by the competitors as the most competitive. With base in descriptive statistics, emerged the Cooperativa A, composed by five farms: A, B, C, D e E. The techniques of data collection used in this second phase of the research were semi-structured interviews, observation and documental analysis. In the analysis of the data three competitive strategic resources emerged as being responsible for the success of the company. Like this, through this study, was identified that idiosyncratic resources, as the âRelationship based in the confidenceâ, âCulture oriented for the qualityâ and âKnow howâ, present significant influence in the superior performance of the company. The strategic resources "Relationship based in the confidence", "Culture oriented for the quality" apparently possess bigger sustainability due to diseconomies resultant of the compression times, in agreement advocate Dierickx and Cool (1989), as much as by the ambiguity causal resulting of the unique historical way and by the subjectivity associated to the human factors involved


strategy fruit-culture uppsala uva grape uppsala internationalization rbv fruticultura administracao internacionalizaÃÃo estratÃgia

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