Análise do nível de formalização da política de segurança da informação à luz da NBR ISO/IEC 17799: 2005 nas empresas de tecnologia da informação de Blumenau, SC / Evaluate the level of information security policies to the lights of NBR ISO/IEC 17799: 2005 of Information Tecnologies Enterprises of Blumenau, Santa Catarina


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




This work if inserts in the Management Control research line of the Program of Accounting Post- Graduation in Countable Sciences of the Regional University of Blumenau and the general objective is to identify the existence of the politics of security of the information in the companies of information technology in the region of Blumenau, Santa Catarina, Brazil and to evaluate the degree of tack in relation to NBR ISO/IEC 17799:2005. For this, a descriptive research, to the delineation was become fullfilled, with quantitative method and whose procedure of research was the survey for survey. The result of the research suggests that the excellent characteristics of the searched companies neither do not exert influence on the practical ones of security of the information and on the level of formalização of the politics in these companies. The research showed despite the companies had gotten levels of tack of the practical ones of security of the 26,3% information up to 80%, in relation to the lines of direction of the norm. It also showed that in what refers to the formalization of the politics of security of the information, this band of tack was between 27,5% and 80%, demonstrating to have a significant difference it enters the companies with greater and minor degree of tack of its politics of security to the lines of direction praised for the norm. Also she was evidenced some discrepancy enters the formalização of the rules of security of the information and the general satisfaction of the respondent how much to the practical ones of security in the searched companies


segurança da informação nbr iso/iec 17799: 2005 empresas de tecnologia da informação ciencia da informacao tecnologia da informação - medidas de segurança information security policies information security nbr iso/iec 17799:2005 tecnology information enterprises política de segurança da informação

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