Análise do método organizational knowledge assessment - OKA para diagnóstico da situação da gestão do conhecimento em uma organização de geração e transmissão de energia elétrica - caso eletronorte




The intensive use of knowledge as a resource is currently conceived as a condition for success of organizations in the world. Scholars and professionals are increasingly recognizing the important role of knowledge management, which became indispensable for organizations to successfully acquire sustainable competitive advantages. However, the success of knowledge management (KM) depends on the organizations` capacity to measure, assess and evaluate the knowledge and there are significant obstacles to do this, given that knowledge is not directly measurable. Among the models of evaluation and assessment of KM available in the literature, we focused on the one called Organizational Knowledge Assessment (OKA) as a model that could be use to evaluate an organizations KM problems. The purpose of this research project is to analyze whether the method OKA is comprehensive and useful to evaluate KM problems within an electricity generation and transmission company -- Eletronorte. Another electricity utility company, CHESF, was a guest participant in the research. The projected consisted in inviting these two companies to use the method OKA, and assessing its comprehensiveness and usefulness. The results show that the method OKA allow an organization to i) assess the KM problems in different dimensions; ii) create a KM plan; iii) serve as a reference for comparison of KM problems in different organizations; iv) adopt a system to evaluate progresses in the implementation of the KM plan. In sum, the method OKA is a useful and comprehensive instrument to assess and evaluate KM in the organization analyzed in this case study.


método de avaliação gestão do conhecimento; centrais elétricas do norte do brasil-estudo de casos evaluation method avaliação do conhecimento diagnóstico de gestão do conhecimento knowledge management organizational knowledge assessment (oka) gestão do conhecimento organizational knowledge assessment ciências sociais aplicadas knowledge evaluation diagnosis knowledge management

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