Análise do desempenho de estacas hélice contínua e ômega: aspectos executivos. / Analysis of the performance of CFA and omega piles: executives aspects.




This research work presents an analysis of the performance of CFA and omega piles, with emphasis on the influence of execution processes. A review of previous work is presented, showing the construction evolution of these piles, it’s execution process and relevant aspects concerning the correct execution of these piles, as well as material properties effecting on it’s behavior, execution effects on the pile-soil system and an analyses of the influence of the pile’s tip on it’s performance. Three cases of foundation works are shown. First of all, a piled foundation in which CFA piles were changed to omega piles, due to alterations in the concrete properties. After that, an omega pile execution on Vila das Belezas subway station is shown. At last, an interesting case of CFA piles as a retaining wall, on Luz subway station, where proximity old buildings restrained the choice of retaining methods. A comparative analysis of the performance of omega and CFA piles, based on load tests, is also shown, as well as an analysis of the unexpected behavior of an omega pile tip, based on an interpretation of load test and Cambefort’s R parameter. In addition to this, the predict methods of bearing capacity, the methods of extrapolation of the load-settlement curve and the methods of the separation of the shaft friction and the end bearing, which were used in the performance analysis of the piles, are also presented.


omega piles behavior of piles mecância dos solos geotecnia solos piles engenharia execução de fundações foundations execução de estacas comportamento de estacas engenharia civil fundações desempenho de estacas estacas engineering cfa piles

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