Análise do comportamento no Brasil: uma revisão histórica de 1961 a 2001, a partir de publicações




The present study has exarnined the writing production in Brazil, making a review of the publications in Behavior Analysis from 1961 to 2001 injoumals ofPsychology and Behavior Analysis. The joumals were the followings: Psicologia; Psicologia: Teoria e Pesquisa; Cadernos de Análise do Comportamento; Temas em Psicologia; Psicologia USP; Ciência e Cultura; and the Revista Brasileira de Terapia Comportamentale Cognitiva. AlI the 335 resumes of the articles in Behavior Analysis found were read and the information collected through the data were recorded in a data prograrn (Access). Data were collected with reference to (1) location of the articles (references); (2) authors by article; (3) affiliation; (4) financial institutions; (5) types of work; (6) themes; and (7) bibliographic references. The results showed that the joumals Psicologia and Ciência e Cultura were the two that most published articles; that there was a constant and accented growing in the publications in Behavior Analysis through the years; 68% had only one author (without co-authorship). There was 60 different institutions publishing articles, 10 foreigners; 52% of the articles carne from public universities; the biggest part of the articles carne from São Paulo state (146) there is algo a representation of the articles from alI over the country. CNPq was the institution that more has financed articles (47%); theoretical and applied research were the researches that more have grown; the most part of the articles was in applied research were about intervention in education; the articles in theoretical research were about philosophical discussions about Radical Behaviorism; and 85% of the articles were supported by foreigners references


analise de publicacoes pesquisa historica publication analysis avaliacao do comportamento -- bibliografia. behavior analysis in brazil psicologia experimental análise do comportamento no brasil historical research

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