AnÃlise de tÃcnicas de controle de conversores conectados a redes elÃtricas




This work presents a performance analysis of some control techniques applied to voltage-source converters during transients in the power systems. In this sense, in all the computational simulations the converter was considered to be connected to the CHESF (Brazilian federal power utility) east system, which was represented in ATP. The transmission lines connecting the system busbars represented in the system were modeled considering distributed parameters model. Further, the power transformers models included magnetization curves. The dynamic behavior of these and other system elements such synchronous condensers, reactors, capacitors, ware modeled in such way that the usual electromagnetic transient phenomena that happens in daily operation of power systems could be accurately reproduced. All the techniques analyzed were modeled by means of MODELS language, in order to permit the integration with ATP, and specifically two of them, based in sliding modes control, are proposed with the purpose of ensuring robustness to parameter deviation.


engenharia elÃtrica electromagnetic transients engenharia eletrica voltage-source converters direct power control eletrÃnica de potÃncia controle direto de potÃncia controle por modos deslizantes sliding modes control conversores do tipo fonte de tensÃo power electronics

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