AnÃlise de resultados e impactos do FECOP nos municÃpios cearenses com Ãnfase na educaÃÃo / Analysis of results and impacts of the municipalities in FECOP Cearense with focus on education




This study aims to examine empirically the results and impacts of the fund to combat poverty (FECOP) municipalities in CearÃ, with emphasis on education, since almost half the population of this state inserted below the poverty line. Moreover, Cearà is characterized by poor distribution of income, and a major strategy for combating poverty and reducing inequality are educational policies. To develop this assessment, we used two Probit models, one that measures the effect of the management council that received the FECOP and other resources that evaluates the performance of the results obtained by the municipalities due to their actions, motivated by the effort of its management. Concerning the results, it can be inferred that the effect, the stock management of the municipality to provide services of education was not crucial to explain whether or not the municipality is among the programs included with the education funded with resources from FECOP and yet the municipalities covered are no different from the others make greater effort by management, the second model, however, that assesses the performance of results in education it seems that the initial level of performance of education has a positive effect on whether or no education, and cities covered by FECOP differ from the others by greater development of the present, as well as model management, the economic dimension of Cearà municipalities showed lower probability of being covered with these features FECOP.


educaÃÃo poverty empirical evaluation ciencias sociais aplicadas fecop education pobreza avaliaÃÃo empÃrica fecop

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