Análise de redes sociais em comunidades virtuais emergentes de jogos on-line por meio de coleta de dados automatizada




The current worldwide popularity of on-line games has resulted in the formation of virtual communities with hundreds of people. This is due to the daily interaction of people in games called Massive Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Games (MMORPGs). These communities are culturally diverse and permeated by social ties estabilished through different ways in the games virtual world. The present research held a study on the communities found in World of Warcraft through social network analysis. The goal of this approach was to define a typology of social ties and study the behavioural patterns related to the structure of these networks. This involved the construction of an efficient data collecting system, as well as analysis tools. That particular methodology verified that this kind of organization can be characterized as an emergent adaptive complex system. To that end, different theories were utilized, such as graph theory, Kohonen networks algebra and software engineering.


redes sociais virtual communities ciencia da computacao social networks emergent systems modeling comunidades virtuais mmorpg (massive multiplayer online role-playing games) mmorpg (massive multiplayer online role-playing games) tipologia de laços sociais sistemas emergentes

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