Análise de propostas de estratégias de controle para algumas topologias de multiconversores monofásicos. / Analysis of control strategies for some single-phase multiconverter topologies.




This work presents the main multilevel converter topologies described in the literature. A bibliography revision is presented, showing the advantages and limitations of each topology. The most usual multilevel modulation methods are also presented, as well as their fields of application in the industry as well as in power systems. The one phase full bridge and its associations were chosen for detailed study. For this family of topologies, this dissertation presents details about control and modulation strategies. Initially, details about the one phase full bridge with two and three levels PWM modulated output voltage are presented. Next, the series association is analyzed, followed by the parallel with isolated DC link. The study of parallel connection with a single DC Link is the mainly contribution of this dissertation. For this topology are proposed some control strategies. For all these cases, simulation and experimental results (with, small scale prototype controlled by DSP) are presented.


multiconverters multilevel converters conversores elétricos modulation control eletrônica de potência

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