Analise de produções escritas de alunos de 3. grau




This research analysis the construction of textuality and intertextuality in texts written during one school year by college students. The data consist of twelve dissertative texts, three of each written by one subject of this research. Besides offering their texts for analysis, they also contributed with an audio-recorded interview that presented an analysis of their schooling in order to make possible to relate these stories to their writings. I assume that language is a reflexive and social process (Bakhin), and dialogue is its main characteristic. According to this principIe, I tried to verify in these reseach data: how textuality and intertextuality occur in the individuaIs dissertative texts, with emphasis on the colective and singular, relating their history of schooling to the particular aspects of their writings. From the analysis of these data, the conclusions are that: a) the students first texts were esclusively based on the readings and lacked cohesive links; b) in their latter texts, the students used the basis texts more freely, without trancriptions or replacements, using corretly the cohesive links; c) the history of schooling made possible the understanding of several writing.


caligrafia (ensino) leitura linguistica aplicada

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