Análise de prevalência de salmonelose em criações não tecnificadas de Gallus gallus no Distrito Federal.




Salmonellas are world-wide spread and besides being cause of disease for poultry, they still constitute a problem in what concerns public health, since Salmonella combined with Campylobacter sp. are estimated to be responsible for over 90% of the cases in the world related to food bacterial toxic infection; in case of Salmonellas, products derived from aviculture (poultry production), are the principal responsible. The present work aimed at developing a research on the predominance of Salmonellas, involving 300 Gallus Gallus poultry raised in farms with no technical means, in Distrito Federal, as well as typifying them later in the Foundation Oswaldo Cruz- Rio de Janeiro/RJ and also carrying out antibiograms to verify the Salmonellassusceptibility to different antibiotics. It was collected- from each poultry- a swab cloacal which was incubated in the Rappaport-Vassiliads for 48 hours at 37 degrees centigrade; later on, it was transplanted to a MacConkey agar at 37 degrees centigrade per hour and the typical Salmonella colonies it was *re-passed to the TSI at 37 centigrade for a period of 24 hours, from where the typical results it was* re-passed for several biochemical tests. No Salmonelas were found in the poultry analyzed.


ave caipira salmonella ciencias agrarias tacky chicken salmonella suabe cloacal gallus gallus swab cloacal gallus gallus

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