AnÃlise de imagens digitais em patologia utilizando morfologia matemÃtica e lÃgica nebulosa




This work presents a set of tools and methods for image analysis in Pathology using Mathematical Morphology and Fuzzy Logic. A new method for image classification based and synthetic bands generation by the use of morphological transformations in feature extraction and spacial expansion and Fuzzy Logic in the final classification is proposed. Also, the library of Mathematical Morphology operators MorphoMat and the library for image classification Image IO, both of which developed in the programming language Ox, are presented, as well as the image visualization system ANIMED, built using Object Pascal. The case study approaches image analysis in lung sample imuno-histochemical images from dead babies with the hyaline membrane disease


processamento digital de imagens engenharia eletrica morfologia matemÃtica inteligÃncia artificial lÃgica nebulosa patologia reconhecimento de padrÃes

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