Análise de criticidade de descontinuidade em um bocal de um vaso de pressão


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




Pressure vessels and pipes are essential equipment in the chemical, petrochemical, petroleum refining, among others. The safety operation of this equipment is an important aspect, since failures can vary from large financial losses to catastrophic consequences. Evaluation discontinuity found in inspections can be perfomed by fitness for service methodology which is based on fracture mechanics, which had great developments in the last 40 years. These methodologies are known as being the best way to ensure the integrity of equipment while in operation. This work first uses the fitness for service methodology according BS7910 guide to evaluate lack of weld penetration in eight-inch nozzle attached to a shell with sixteen inches in diameter. The methodology of fitness for service was compared with the experimental test result, which was performed by a destructive hydrostatic test monitored by acoustic emission test. Finally, finite element method was performed using nonlinearity physical and geometric tecniques. The comparison of numerical, experimental and analytical results obtained by the application of BS7910 allowed us to obtain several conclusions that are exposed in this work. The methodology using the BS7910 was conservative for the case study. The dominant failure mode using the BS7910 was the collapse of plastic that was consistent with the experimental test. The acoustic emission technique had no correlation between the stored energy of the picked up signals and criticality of discontinuities between a nozzle and a head, which pointed out that for similar applications data must be analyzed carefully since in regions subjected to plastic collapse such as in the case studied nozzle can generate signals of lower intensity that discontinuities where there is an interaction between the modes of fracture and plastic collapse. The nonlinear analysis result using physics and geometry nonlinearities was 5.8% higher than the rupture pressure of the experimental test was 14.7 MPa, being considered a result with a good degree of accuracity.


mecânica dos sólidos : ensaios pressure vessel nozzle mecânica da fratura vaso de pressão fitness for service plastic collapse acoustic emission

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