Analise de ciclo de vida : estudo de caso para materiais e componentes automotivos no Brasil




The social conscious increase about the natural resources limitation and the planet capacity is one of the most important behaviour changes, however slowly. The utilization of end-pipe technologies to control the pollution only transforms the air and water pollution into a solid residue .problem. The ecological industry concept or dematerialization emerged aiming to achieve the sustainabIe development, that is, not only to control the pollution, but also, to prevent it. The main goal of this study was to use these concepts analysing: i) primary and secondary automobile materials, ii) the use of an international database to Brazil and, iii) some alternatives to the materials disposal, that are: reutilization of components, recycling and energy recovery of materials. The Life CycIe Assessment (LCA) was used to perform this evaluation. LCA is a methodoIogy which aims environmental improvements of a product from its extraction till the disposal. The results obtained in the quantitative analysis showed that the substitution of steel by aluminum had better environmental perfonnance only if the automobile weight was reduced. The comparison between the international anel national databases resulted in quite different pollution, except for the energy consumption. The qualitative LCA showed that the recycling and energy recovery options-should be taken within more environmental concerns, otherwise they would be as harmful to the environment as disposal. Furthermore, it was concluded that the improvement of databases and computational programs are of extreme importance for the LCA of a complex product needs lots of data, calculation and several industry processes knowledge


poluição usinas siderurgicas - abastecimento de energia reciclagem - industria energia - conservação degradação ambiental recursos naturais

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