AnÃlise de CaptaÃÃo de Recursos da Ãrea do Sambaqui Saco da Pedra, litoral sul do Estado de Alagoas




In this work analysis the site catchment analysis of Sambaqui SACO DA PEDRA, located in Marechal Deodoro, southern coastal state of Alagoas, from the perspective of Spatial Archeology. From this is search to achieve the describe of the environment area when the site is inserted, as well as analysis of the trace malacological found in the same, to know their origin. The field activities developed were directed to try to confirm the hypothesis raised from the documentation concerning the site and the surroundings of it. In the fieldwork was developed the following activities: survey, cleaning the area, topographic survey,positioning of the trace archaeological, photographic record and collect of surface. The technique used was the site of catchment analysis, designed to study the immediate area that surrounds a settlement and that may have been exploited by the population of it. The tests were performed: the ceramic and clay were analyzed in the laboratory of the physics of difratometria UFPE, to establish a correlation between the mineral and chemical composition of the ceramic found on site and clay that touches the same. The ceramic was also analyzed archeology, and the lithic material, which sought to use trademarks. We also analyzed the molluscs of the site and classified according to family, class and order, beyond the place of origin. Thus was created the map of the site catchment analysis allowing the establishment of the territory that should be dominated by the group interaction patterns of the reconstituting community and ecological niche around the site


arqueologia arqueologia coastal occupation sambaqui - captaÃÃo de recursos sambaquis sambaqui â ocupaÃÃo litorÃnea site catchment analysis

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