Análise da Vegetação de ARIE Cerrado Pé-de-Gigante (Santa Rita do Passa Quatro, SP). / Vegetation analysis of the Pé-de-Gigante Reserve (southeastern Brazil)




We studied a natural vegetation area, composed mainly by cerrado, with 1269 ha, located at Santa Rita do Passa Quatro municipality, São Paulo State, southeastern Brazil (21 36-44 S e 47 34-41 W). We carried out a floristic survey in 18 field trips, each one with 3 or 4 days, from September 1995 to February 1997. On each existing vegetation types (three cerrado physiognomies, floodplain grassland, gallery forest, and seasonal semidecidous forest), all vascular plants in reproductive stage were collected and then pressed and identified in species level. A total of 499 species, representing 317 genera and 107 families, was found. The most important families were: Asteraceae, Fabaceae, Poaceae and Rubiaceae. The comparison of all vegetation types and cerrado physiognomies through similarity index emphasized the cerrado floristic unity. To help the species identification, we constructed four indented keys based on vegetative characters, one for each vegetation type (cerrado, floodplain grassland, gallery forest, and seasonal semidecidous forest). To study the plant community structure, we placed randomly quadrats in the cerrado physiognomies and in the seasonal semidecidous forest, with different sizes and inclusion criteria according to its woody component. Biomass, estimated by total cylindric volume, increased from campo cerrado to seasonal semidecidous forest, with intermediate values in cerrado sensu stricto and cerradão. Cerrado, on its three physiognomies, showed high alpha diversity as well as beta and gamma ones. Based on the data collected during the floristic survey, we studied the phenological variations, analysing them as adaptive strategies. The ratio of anemo and autochorous species was greater in the herbaceous component. The zoochorous ones, on the other hand, were more frequent in the woody component. The woody species flowered mainly at the beginning of the rainy season, while the herbaceous ones produced flowers generally at the end of that season, after a period of carbohydrate accumulation. The anemo and autochorous species produced fruits principally at the dry season, when its dispersion is more efficient. The zoochorous ones fruited along the whole rainy and warm season, when its fruits become attractive for longer time.


cerrado fenologia floristics florística phenology savanna phytosociology savana fitossociologia

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