Analise da variabilidade da frequencia cardiaca em mulheres na pos-menopausa sedentarias e treinadas




The aim of this survey was to analyze and compare the magnitude of the cardiac autonomic activity of women in the one after menopause during the conditions of vigil in rest (VIG) and sleep (SLEEP) through heart rate variability (HRV). Fifteen postmenopausal women were studied, all of them users of Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) considered clinically healthy that were divided in two distinct groups: six sedentary and nine physically trained in a regular and extended way, over twelve months. Firstly the volunteers were submitted to anamneses with the aim of gathering necessary information to include the volunteers in the research. Then the selected status postmenopausal women went through some evaluations: anthropometrics and clinical (gynecological and cardiological) to evaluate the physical conditions and drive away the possibility of pathologies that could interfere in the results of the present survey. The referential data were gathered to the heart rate autonomic behavior in the conditions of vigil in rest and sleep through a 24-h dynamic electrocardiography (HOLTER) and such data were used for the analysis of HRV parameters in time (TD) and frequency (FD) domains. HRV analysis in TD included mean RR interval length (iRR) and its standard deviation (SDNN), while in FD, low frequency (LF: 0,04 - 0,15 Hz) and high frequency (HF: 0,15 -0,40 Hz) spectral components and the LF/HF ratio were analyzed. Statistical significance was accepted when median confidence intervals did not overlap for p<0,05. When compared the group values (73,7 and 64,4) for the HRVIG variable, we verified that the difference was statically meaningful (p<0,05). As for the HRSLEEP (65,5 and 56,2), there was no statistical meaningful difference between the groups. For the Mean iRR in the vigil and sleep conditions the differences between the found values (749,28 and 916,88) and (859,84 and 1059,31) were much lower (p<0,05) for the sedentary group when compared to the physically trained group. There were no differences with statistical meaning between the groups for the variables SDNN, LF, HF and LF/HF in any of the conditions (vigil and sleep).


autonomic nervous system mulheres - menopausa treinamento fisico aging envelhecimento women x menopause physical training sistema nervoso autonomo

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