Análise da rede assistencial em saúde mental : o exemplo da inserção social promovida pelo CAPSi em Fortaleza-CE




Many types of scenery have reinforced a rich field to study the social supporting nets. The context knowledge which wraps people nets with mental disorder hold conterminous aspects with the working psycho-social model in Fortaleza city, emphasizing the CAPSi device. The trial combined techniques and quantitative tools of gathering and data analysis with other qualitative methodologies, proceedings itself to Analysis of Social Nets. Involved managers, professionals and mental disorder children caring relatives helped by CAPSi. The quantitative data were processed through SPSS and the qualitative by DSC. The research followed ethical commandments being approved by UNIFORs Coética, under the 267/2009 protocol. The relevant results to the noticed net gathered by the informants show 22 devices; as the professionals, more than users, acknowledge who are their partners. The qualitative data, from 11 CAPSi professionals interviewed, after processing, have produced 3 ICs and respective DSCs to the first question, four ICs and respective DSCs to the second. The DSC enabled the perception of a thought unity, allowing an analysis of positive and critical data about the effectuation of CAPSi on RASM, in the logistical of child and teenager social insertion. From 18 relatives accessed, it has been identified that 77,8% were referred by another service, 33,3% bring their child with CAPSi accompaniment at least for 1 year, 77.8% acknowledge in their social net the support, emotional and material provision. It has been found significantly statistics relationship between the noticed changes in children with CAPSi accompaniment and the satisfaction with the support from health professionals. From the exposed it can be draw the fact of Fortalezas RASM has as important device the CAPSi, although it needs a bigger investment to guarantee its inclusive role inside the aid net.


saude coletiva crianÇas - saÚde mental - dissertaÇÕes redes de apoio social - dissertaÇÕes

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