Analise da mortalidade materna no Municipio de Campinas, no periodo de 1985 a 1991




A global trend of reduction in maternal mortality has been observed during this century, as result of progress on obstetric practice, anesthesia, new drugs, hemotherapy and laboratory support. It remains, however, well above acceptable rates in most developing countries. A significant improvement in maternal health could be achieved with a more rational structure of the health system, with investments addressed to basic ante-natal care, identification of high risk pregnancies and appropriate care during labour, delivery and the post-partum period. The almost complete lack of reliable information on the magnitude of Maternal mortality in our community, was the motivation for its study. For this purpose, alI death certificates of women aged 10 through 49, with residence in the municipality of Campinas, who died from 1985 through 1991, were analysed. Each dea th was classified according to the cause written in the certificate, as definitive maternal deaths, presumed maternal deaths, and non-maternal deaths. Cases included in the two first cathegories were more carefully analysed using hospitaIs clinical records. Socioeconomic data and information on evolution of pregnancy, labour and post-partum, were obtained and the circumstances of death were analysed. This information was compared with that of a control group of women who delivered or had an abortion in the same hospital that cared for the corresponding case of maternal death. Sixty two confirmed maternal deaths were identified, corresponding to amaternal mortality rate of 45,5/100.000 livebirths. A 37,1% rate of underreportinq was found. Maternal deaths could have been prevented in 74,2% of the cases. They were highly associated to high maternal age, type of payment for medical services provided, identification of complications of pregnancy and cesarian section delivery


fecundidade mães - mortalidade

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