Análise da integração do aloenxerto ósseo de crânio criopreservado e irradiado, adicionado de medula óssea autógena: estudo experimental em coelhos / Deep frozen, irradiated calvarial bone allograft added with autogenous bone marrow incorporation analysis. Experimental study in rabbits




Searching for alternatives to autogenous bone graft in craniofacial reconstructions, it is proposed deep-frozen, irradiated calvarial bone allograft added with autogenous bone marrow utilization. Twenty and one rabbits were sacrificed and their parietal bones harvest, deep-frozen and gamma irradiated with 50kGy. The allografts were implanted in twenty one other rabbits. At left side only allograft were placed, at right side were put allografts added with autogenous bone marrow. The animals were sacrificed in two, five and ten weeks. Macroscopical examination showed all grafts fixed at the host bone, the histomorphometric analysis did not showed significant statistical differences between the left and right sides.


transplante de medula óssea transplante ósseo bone banks bone transplantation bone marrow transplantation bancos de ossos skull stem cells transplantation homologous coelhos crânio transplante homólogo células-tronco rabbits

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