AnÃlise da estrutura genÃtica e biologia reprodutiva do papagaio-verdadeiro (amazona aestiva)




Information on biology, ecology and genetic variability of a specie are ultimate to subsidize the elaboration of strategies of conservation of its natural populations. The blue-fronted amazon (Amazona aestiva) presents a widespread distribution and is still abundant in some areas of occurrence, therefore it is not under threat of extinction. However, it is one of the most neotropical parrots captured in the nature to supply the illegal trade of wild animals. The goals of this study is to analyze the genetic structure of five A. aestiva populations and verify if there are effects of bottleneck in population size, and moreover analyze the reproductive biology under aspects of monogamy and nest fidelity. In this study, we tested the transferability of the 12 microsatellite primers developed for A. guildinguii and five for Ara ararauna. From the 17 markers, 14 presented amplification products, of which nine were polymorphic (with five or more alleles per locus). The genetic structure of five A. aestiva populations was investigated by analyzing six microsatellite loci in 74 samples, including samples from two subspecies recognized (A. a. aestiva e A. a. xanthopteryx). There was a low evidence of genetic structure between the populations of the limits of the geographic distribution (= 0,012; p = 0,0007) and the bottleneck analysis did not show recent reduction on population size. The analysis of reproductive biology was based on parentage tests among nestlings from the same nest (to verify the monogamy hypothesis) and among clutches collected in the same nest in different breeding seasons (to verify the nest fidelity hypothesis). The parentage assignment performed in 44 clutches yields evidences that corroborate with the monogamy hypothesis. Three out of seven analysis of nest fidelity was significant. The results obtained on this study must enlighten the taxonomic situation of A. aestiva and the evolution processes involving this species. Furthermore, contribute to important information on the natural populations and the reproductive behavior of the blue-fronted amazon, providing subsidy for the elaboration of future programs of conservation


amazona aestiva monogamia microsatellites genetic structure parentesco comportamento reprodutivo genetica animal microssatÃlites estrutura genÃtica reproductive behavior monogamy parentage

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