AnÃlise da disponibilidade de malhas de completaÃÃo inteligente em poÃos de petrÃleo




This research aims to model and simulate the availability of intelligent completation systems in oil wells. To reach this goal hybrid modeling frameworks comprised of Markovian process and Bayesian inference will be employed. Due to the fact that it is a new technology, still in a development stage, the rates of transitions in Markovian Models of meshes of intelligent completation will be estimated under a high level of uncertainty. Such rates will be obtained by Bayesian inference, using evidence from generic reliable data bases, engineering judgements and field data. Two systems configurations, levels called A and B, will be analysed; the two configurations differ primary interns of redundancy. The wearing out of equipments/subsystems of the meshes will be treated through missions of multiple phases. Using the flexibility given by Markovian treatment of multi-states of a same subsystem, and the treatment of the wearing out by phased-missions, it is possible to identify the subsystems that provide the most relevant contribution to the overall system availability. After the simulation to obtain the reliability metrics, used to the avaliation and comparison between configurations, conclusions will be obtained as well as the suggestions for the continuous development and improvement of availability of intelligent completions systems


engenharia de producao poÃos de petrÃleo modelos markovianos malhas de completaÃÃo inteligente

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