Analise da correta modelagem da transposição em linhas de transmissão no dominio da frequencia / Analysis of transmission line transposition correct modeling on frequency domain




It is usual to use the phase transposition in transmission line aiming to decrease the existing voltage and current unbalance. In fundamental frequency a transmission line can be considered ideally transposed, but normally in the electromagnetic transients and quality energy studies the lines also are represented as if they were ideally transposed. For fundamental frequency it is correct to treat a line as ideally transposed, but this cannot be generalized for the entire frequency range of transient phenomena. In the present work it was analyzed the error of treating transmission line as ideally transposed for all frequency range, specifically up to 10 kHz. A theoretical analysis was implemented identifying the unbalances between the phases considering the transmission line ideally transposed and considering the transmission line with its actual transposition sections. The frequency dependence of transmission line parameters was properly represented


transitorios (eletricidade) impedancia (eletricidade) energia eletrica (transmissão) electric power transmission transients (electricity) impedance (electricity)

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