Análise da coexistência da soja transgênica e convencional no Mato Grosso : rumoa a novas formas de governança




This work searched to understand better as it comes if giving to the coexistence of the soybean in Brazil after the advent of the transgenic soybean and to understand the perspectives on this subject since this new technology brought impacts in the governance of the chain as a whole. It was intention of this study to know if the transgenic soybean will become a base irreversible technique in our country. As objective generality of the work searched to discover next to the main agents of this chain (multiplying of processing, producing seeds, storing/agricultural and peddling of inputs) the evolution of coexistence of the soybean in the State of Mato Grosso is evolving and which reasons take these agents to go in direction to one or another option of culture to disclose if really has possibility of the transgenic soybean to dominate this production system. As objective specific they had searched to verify the ratio of the planted area of transgenic and conventional soybean since the introduction of the transgenic soybean, and the expectation of the area destined for harvest 2008/9; to discover if has practical of segregation used by the agents of this chain and to know its perception on a possible implementation of the rastreability and identity preservation for the conventional soybean; to infer on the costs of production of the conventional and transgenic soybean and the value of a possible paid prize for the producers that deliver conventional soy; to identify which reasons they take the producers to opt to the culture of transgenic and conventional soybean; to know, of the involved agents, its perception on the new technology and the continuity of the culture of the conventional soybean in the Mato Grosso; to more infer the perception of the actors on an adjusted legal landmark, mainly in what it says respect to the payment of royalties and on the contamination of the soy in the diverse stages of the production; e to understand as they are being carried through contracts between the agents after the advent of the transgenic soybean. The present work was supported in the theoretical contributions brought by the New Institucional Economy and Economy of the Costs of Transaction, Industrial Organization, Economy of the Quality, and Systemic Approach in Agribusiness. As methodology one used of a Survey next to the agricultural producers and the technique of Fast Analysis (Agricultural Rapid Appraisal - RRA) with storing/processing, multiplying of seeds and the peddlers of inputs. The research was also characterized as applied, of field, exploratory, bibliographical and descriptive with a qualitative and quantitative boarding. As main results, he was evidenced that, in general, the agents of this chain believe the evolution of the area planted with transgenic soybean in Brazil, (exactly that some do not believe that this will go to total dominate the market of the soy). Considerable changes in the governance of this chain had also been perceived, detaching that the decision in planting transgenic or conventional soybean is if dislocating each time more than the hands of the producers for other agents of this chain.


coexistence of the soybean transgenic and conventional soybean coordenação soja transgênica e convencional coexistência da soja coordination outros

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