Análise da apresentação da informação em PDAs: um estudo ergonômico.




In Brazil there is an increased popularity of portable devices, such as mobile phones and Personal Digital Assistants PDAs, as also its use to navigate in the Internet. These devices have a techno centric conceptualization of their interfaces. However either the purchase or the use of these devices is reduced due to the difficulties in their operational use and its high costs. An alternative to diminish these problems is to adapt websites according to the necessities and logic of their users, contributing to make services, goods and information more accessible. In relation to this problematic, the goal of this research is to analyze the impacts of two forms of information display on the use oh interfaces by experienced users of PDA. The scope of the analytical framework lies in the Cognitive Ergonomics referring to concepts of competencies, strategic and operational modes and representations. The research design is drawn on an adaptation of procedures from the Interfaces Evaluation and (Re) Conceptualization Technologies, adapted from the Ergonomic Evaluation of Labor and Task Cognitive Analysis. The data was gathered by systematic observation, semi-structured interviews and questionnaires. Participated in the research 28 experienced Internet users and PDA users. From this sample 19 were men and 9 were women, with ages in between 20 and 35 years old. The majority of the users (n=16) has a degree and the others are currently enrolled in a university. Two models of information display of interfaces were compared, the traditional and the linear models. The experiment encompasses two tasks. The group submitted to the traditional model had a better performance on the first task. In the second task both groups had a similar performance. The results of the research indicate that interfaces should not change its original structure and organization. Nonetheless the textual information and images should adapt to the dimension of the PDA with the purpose of avoid the frequent use of scroll bars. In addition, not only the ability in manipulating the device, but also the knowledge acquired before the action, may facilitate the search for information by the users in a more effective way. The traditional interface maintains evidences that enable the user to better structure his/her navigation, facilitating the categorization of the information display thus enabling them to act through effective operational modes.


cognição pda psicologia artefatos portáteis. usabilidade ergonomia

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