Análise comparativa da amplitude de vibração das pregas vocais e do coeficiente de contato durante a emissão da vogal /ɛ/ prolongada e vibração sonorizada de lábios e língua / Comparative analysis of the amplitude of vibration of the vocal folds and the coefficient of contact during the utterance of the sustained vowel / ? / and the lips and tongue trills




Exercises of audible vibration are widely used for the treatment of dysphonia and vocal preparation of professional voice users. There is little research done studying vocal physiology during exercise. The aim of this study is to compare the differences in cordal vibration during the exercises of lips and tongue trills and the sustained vowel / ? / as to the extent of vocal fold vibration and the measures of coefficient of contact in professional opera singers. To this end, ten classical singers --reportedly in perfect laryngeal health and mastery, as well as having expert skill in the techniques studied, served as subjects for this study. The subjects were trained to deliver the sustained vowel / ? /, the lips and tongue trills on the 5th tone up the lowest pitch possible to be produced and in the same intensities (weak and strong), selected in advance. The subjects underwent nasofibroestroboscopy, from which images of the maximum amplitude of vibration of the vocal folds were obtained, having as a reference the values of the cuneiform cartilage. In addition, subjects were also submitted to electroglottography, from which the automatic measurements of the mean and standard deviation of the coefficient of contact were taken. The comparison of the results was cross-reference among subjects and strong or weak intensities were compared between them. The amplitude of cordal vibration had the median proportion of the cuneiform cartilage from 0.11 to vowel / ? /, 0.16 for the lip trill and 0.17 for the tongue trill, in the weak intensities, and 0.16, 0, 29 and 0.26 in the strong intensities respectively. After statistical analysis we noted the difference in this measure between the tongue trill and of the lips trill concerning the sustained vowel / ? / . The mean among the subjects of the measurement, of mean contact coefficient was 47.72, 50.97 and 52.25 for the sustained vowel / ? / ,lip trill and tongue trill in weak intensity 50 , 71, 59.21 and 54.60 for strong intensities respectively. To this measure, the lip trill differed from the tongue trill and the sustained vowel / ? / only when in the strong intensities. Regarding the mean measure of standard deviation of coefficient of contact values for sustained vowel / ? /, lip trill and tongue trill in weak intensity were 3.12, 6.55 and 7.63. In strong intensities in the respective values were 1.62, 6.64 and 4.75, and in both intensities, vibrations accompanying sounds were differentiated from the utterance of the sustained vowel / ? / . We concluded that in professional opera singers, the lip and tongue trills are different from the sustained vowel / ? /regarding the maximum amplitude of cordal vibration and the standard deviation of the coefficient of contact. The mean coefficient of contact differs from the lip and tongue trills, only in the strong intensities.


qualidade da voz laryngoscopy mucosa laríngea stroboscopy fonação treinamento da voz voz estroboscopia voice voice quality laryngeal mucosa phonation laringoscopia

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