An S1 nuclease-sensitive region in the first intron of human platelet-derived growth factor A-chain gene contains a negatively acting cell type-specific regulatory element.


The platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF) A-chain gene is expressed in a tissue- and developmental stage-specific manner. Here we identify an S1 nuclease sensitive region within the first intron that functions as a negative regulatory element in HeLa but not in human glioblastoma (A172) cells in transient transfection assays. A 147 bp DNA fragment that contains this element functions in a position and orientation independent manner to negatively regulate both the PDGF A-chain promoter and the heterologous herpes simplex virus thymidine kinase (TK) promoter. The cell-type specific effect of this 147 bp DNA fragment is seen when it is located downstream but not upstream of the reporter gene driven by either the PDGF A-chain or TK promoters. The negative regulatory element has been localized to a 24 bp DNA sequence within the S1 sensitive site that retains negative regulatory activity and recognizes a nuclear protein in HeLa but not in A172 cells. Furthermore, the 24 bp element functions as a cell type-specific negative element independent of its position. These results suggest that a functional silencer within the first intron exhibits a non-B-form DNA structure under superhelical stress in vitro and may contribute to the cell type-specific transcriptional regulation of PDGF A-chain gene in vivo.

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