An ergonomic study on the "systematics of positioning" in the setting of conception and development of product. / Um estudo ergonômico sobre a sistemática de posicionamentono quadro de concepção e desenvolvimento de produto.




This study originated from the need of theoretical deepness in the reflections on the dynamics of the relationships among the subjects involved in a project. It was chosen in working with the activity concept, being this inserted in a certain socio-historical context. The proposition of the insert of the thematic of the relationships among the subjects, comes from the presupposition that the theories that base the procedures of organization of the group and of conduction of the project, through the definition of prescriptions and of the establishment of requirements to be accomplished, the position of the individuals, that constitute the process, distanced of its position of subject agent and, for consequence, of the active character of its presence. Those theories dont consider that the context, the particularities of a given situation and the contingencies to be important aspects in the development of the activity. The purpose of this study, on the contrary, starts from the beginning that to understand the project is necessary to understand its constitution, that is, it happens starting from the relationships among the subject agents in its concrete and symbolic environment.. In other words, the project in execution starts to be seen as in constitution by the subject agents in a certain context space/time. The challenge is precisely to place that approach to the encounter of an ergonomics that integrates the organizational and social aspects of the work or of the interrelations, which are still not taken into account in the thematic of research. The objective of this study, was to understand how the structuring of the relationships between companies and their unfoldings in elapsing from the inherent activities to a contracted project, through the proportionate glance by the theory of the organization acting " and by the " systematic of positioning. ". It was gotten to show the organizations while dynamic processes of actions and decisions that, as such, they are constituted, they change and they become elapsing of the time; as well as that that movement is dynamic and relational; it is starting from the relationships that the subject agents constitute their positions and they interact, producing intentional actions in direction to the reach of the objectives and goals, that they are private and also collective, present and future. It could be demonstrated, by the results of this studied case, the constitution of an organization - the staff of the conception project and development of the support program to the decision, starting from the individual constitution of its subjects in terms of their professional identities, values and private objectives, in other words, of its individual constitution starting from the collective that exists in itself, and of its interrelations with other subjects in the structuring of the group work. The organizational acting came as a confluence - not necessarily without conflicts - of several processes in interdependence and happening simultaneously. The positioning idea to describe the dynamics of the movement of the subjects in elapsing of the project, showed more appropriated in detriment of the statute notions and papers, due to its static character and to the determination a priori of the functions to be carried out by the individuals.


desenvolvimento de produtos personnel interrelations ergonomia ergonomics interação interpessoal systematic of positioning service relationship

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